A New Dawn, A New Day, A New City

Oh, you know, just starting my own business...

So today I realised it has been a while since my last blog post. I normally would do a bit of research into my next topic before writing, but today is different. For my life has changed dramatically in the last 8 months!

A month ago, I left my awesome job at AMS Media Group, moved over 300 miles to the greatest city in the world: Newcastle Upon Tyne, where my fiancé and I have deep roots.

When I couldn't find that 'perfect' job, I thought, why not do it yourself? SO...I am now the proud Director of Captivation Media Ltd!

It's been hard work, the set up process is a complicated one that is still not finished - I may be a good marketer for other brands, but I struggle to sell myself (not like that...)

But on the whole, this is the most fun that I've had in a long, long time! I have some great allies in GNT Media who let me have a desk in their office and use their bandwidth; I have a super supportive family who are helping to bankroll this whole venture; and I have some amazing friends & colleagues who, as soon as I mention 'starting a business', have thrown every possible helping hand my way, from regular work, contacts, advice, and design. It's making this whole experience that extra bit special.

So, what is my business?

Captivation Media will help brands in their multi-platform digital marketing campaigns through:

  • Social Media management and strategy
  • Creative concepts
  • Mobile marketing
  • Email marketing and insight
We aim to provide the highest standard of insight and service in the digital marketing field that will give companies a closer and more valuable relationship with their online audience.

Captivation Media will generate likes, clicks, shares, and all manner of online interactions for anyone who needs that extra push. 

I have started with a big, comprehensive strategy for the awesome .44 Pistol blues band. I can't wait to put it all together and show it off to the world! 

The start-up process...

...is so complicated - I went with companiesmadesimple.com once I eventually decided to start a LTD company. Then the whole accounts process, HMRC, setting up a business bank account, declaring yourself for Self-Assessment ZZZZZZZZ.... 

BUT, I also got to do the fun stuff like creating my own logo: 

I also designed my own business cards, when on a 'photoshoot' for the website, and generally had a blast creating a company identity based on my own personality. 

I've still got a way to go, but I'm really finding my feet with this and can't believe I've not worked for myself sooner!

What's next?

I'm carrying on finding my niche, but if .44 Pistol's strategy works out, I think my niche could end up being musicians and the arts - that'll be my next few posts... 


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